Thursday 12 April 2018

Film Review: Ghost Stories

I had heard about Ghost Stories MONTHS ago. I love Martin Freeman and I love a good horror film so I put this on my to watch list. And then it went dead. I completely forgot about it until I went to go and see A Quiet Place and opted to see this because the timing worked out better. And oh my GOD. Even though I am still dying to see A Quiet Place, I am so happy I went to see this. 

Okay so even though I like horror films, I feel like I have to be in the mood to watch them. And lets be COMPLETELY honest here: most horror films are utter crap. Now I'm not going to lie, although I had put it on my 'to watch' list, I didn't have particularly high expectations. 

The storyline is fairly simple; a psychologist/professor goes to visit one of his idols (who turns out the be a little odd) and is handed 3 unsolved cases that in his time the other psychologist has not been able to crack. He goes along, visits the 3 men in each of the cases.

There were a couple of tactical and obvious jump scares throughout. But what made me so happy with this film was the storyline. There is a twist at the end, which I guessed quite early in. It's not un-obvious or mouth dropping. But the attention to detail in the storyline genuinely left me feeling shocked. It was amazing. By the end there weren't any missing endings, everything linked so perfectly and everything made sense and UGH. It was just incredibly satisfying. 

I'm not really a fan of jump scares, and if you aren't then pre-warning, there are quite a few. I didn't think it was done in an incredibly tacky way; they were positioned in just the right places so you know they are coming but they still make you jump regardless. As well as being pretty dark in places, it is also darkly witty. 

I think the fact that the film only has 5 main plot characters is really clever. It shows a lot of isolation and makes it feel as though these people really are alone in believing what happened to them was real. However, my only criticism is its a purely white male cast. Where are the women or POC? I know it isn't a massive deal to some, but it made me reflect on again how little variety is shown in films, especially in the horror genre. The only one I can think of recently that doesn't follow this trend is Get Out. But it isn't something that makes me dislike the film. 

Overall I really liked this. I would recommend to anyone who likes a good plot twist and can handle jumpy horror films. 

IMDB link here.

You can find the trailer for the film here.

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